Pre and Post Holi Skin Care

Pre and Post Holi Skin Care

Holi is the festival of colours, love and spring. It is a festival of India. This day signifies the triumph of good over evil. Holi is a Hindu festival that…
Causes and Treatment Of Heart Diseases

Causes and Treatment Of Heart Diseases

Heart Diseases Causes of heart disease:- Excessive cholesterol, triglyceride,etc. in the blood, smoking and tobacco consumption, Use of Plastic bottles and containers for holding eatables and drinking items. wrong way…
Heart Diseases and Symptoms

Heart Diseases and Symptoms

Heart is a empty, muscular, spongy, shaped like a fist, placed behind the sternum bone, between the two lungs, slightly to the left side in a triangular tilt. It works…
Intoxication is a curse

Intoxication is a curse

Intoxication of any substance is injurious to health. It destroys an individual. It is very important to stay away from intoxication and if one does addicted then, he should try…
Know About Thyroid Diseases

Know About Thyroid Diseases

Thyroid It's a small, butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located at the base of your neck just below the Adam’s apple. The endocrinesystem is responsible for coordinating manyof your body’s activities. The…