Heart Diseases
Causes of heart disease:-
- Excessive cholesterol, triglyceride,etc. in the blood,
- smoking and tobacco consumption,
- Use of Plastic bottles and containers for holding eatables and drinking items.
- wrong way of living and food habits,
- meat, eggs, maida, sugar, salt, fried products, deficiency of roughage in food,
- excessive medication,
- tension, worries
- working beyond one’s capacity, fatigue,
- anger,
- insufficient sleep,
- excessive sex,
- high blood pressure,
- diabetes, obesity, arthritis, fever etc. are the causes of heart complications.
- Consumption of excessive calcium tablets,
- deficiency of vitamin D increases heart problems.
- If the belly protrudes out more than the chest, there is possibility of heart disease.
- Sometimes it is hereditary also.
Treatment of Heart Diseases
- One should be cautious against the causes of heart disease.
- For heart patient fasting and food in little quantity is a boon.
- Regular use of green leafy vegetables and sprouted food.
- Heart patient should take soybean milk in place of animal milk.
- Fast on coconut water, juices of green gourd, cucumber, Spinach, carrot, beetroot, white pumpkin etc.
- Fruit salads should be consumed more. Pomegranate, Amla, onion, garlic, strawberry alpha, lemon and honey water are very useful. Grapes and mango work like heart tonics.
- Vitamin B controls cholesterol, that is why dough for chapati should include cheff also. Sprouted food should be taken.
- Vitamin C converts cholesterol into bile salt, that is why lemon and Amla are useful, sesame (Til) milk compensates for deficiency of calcium.
- Fenugreek seeds (methi) and black gram can be soaked at night in water and eaten along with its water.
- Bottle gourd juice with the leaves of basil and mint with pepper can be taken two to three times a day. Betel leaf, ginger, garlic juice one spoonful mixed with the one spoon of honey should be taken for 21 days continuously.
- Heavy food, chillies, spices, Pickles, oily, fried products should be avoided
- Walk for an hour in open air in the morning,
- yogasana and exercises should be practiced, practice heart mudra and yog nidra.
- Don’t forget to consult your doctor.
Yogasana in Heart Diseases- Katichakrasana, Konasana, Vajarasana, Padmasana, Siddhasana, Shavasana, Gomukhasana, Tadasana, Heart mudara, Yog Nidra.
Symptoms and Types of Heart Diseases
Keep away hurry, worry and Curry.