Heart Diseases and Symptoms

Heart Diseases and Symptoms

Heart is a empty, muscular, spongy, shaped like a fist, placed behind the sternum bone, between the two lungs, slightly to the left side in a triangular tilt. It works like a pump, whose pumping motion makes blood flow into the arteries which carry it throughout the body to each cell and come back to the heart, flowing through veins. thus the heart circulates blood in the whole body.

When your heart isn’t working well, it has trouble sending enough blood, oxygen and nutrients to your body.

There are variety of issues that can affect your heart. You can have trouble with different parts of your heart, like your heart muscles, valves or electrical system.

Lifestyle changes and medications can keep your heart healthy and lower your chances of getting heart disease.

Symptoms of heart disease:-

  • Sudden excessive sweating,
  • palpitation,
  • heaviness in the chest,
  • difficulty in breathing feeling of suffocation,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • Vertigo or unconsciousness, burning sensation in the stomach,
  • hands and feet getting cold,
  • breathlessness caused by climbing upstairs,
  • if someone gets Vertigo while getting up or lying down, and after a short while if it gets well then it should be treated as first indication of heart disease.
  • Sometime it happens that the heart gets diseased but the symptoms are not clear before the beginning of heart disease the patient feels difficulty in breathing. From this point of view it would not be wrong to say that asthma patients are basically heart patients also.

In a heart attack the pain in the heart is acute and generally the pain begins from the middle of the chest and spread towards the left side. Sometimes it goes to the right hand shoulder and the lower jaw. This increases on walking or working too much. This ache continues for five to ten minutes or more, sometimes for hours together. There is associated sweating and breathing trouble.

Types of heart diseases

  • Angina pectoris- In this fact gets accumulated under the internal lining intima of arteries causing more than 70% blockage, leading to improper supply of blood and oxygen to the heart. So the heart has to labour more and the result is pain, which takes place for two to four minutes only. At this moment the patient is unable to walk or bend. This pain finds relief on taking rest or taking a sorbitate tablet.
  • Coronary Thrombos-  Under the internal line of the artery of the heart fat accumulates which causes blockage and also pressurize the walls of the artery leading to its cracking ultimately. As soon as it breaks due to certain chemical reactions, a thick clot of blood is formed and the blockage gets complete, i.e. 100%. It is extremely dangerous for the heart, since there is no blood supply, the muscles of heart are destroyed. It is called heart attack.
  • Arterio Sclerosis-  This is the disease of the artery walls which it has its ill effects on the middle layer and later has its effect on the inner layers. Arteriosclerosis leads to loss of flexibility. Generally it occurs naturally but if it occurs at an early age and is too rapid then it becomes dangerous. It harms the coronary arteries and any part of the body can get affected by it.
  • Palpitation of Heart- This leads to the heart beating rapidly. This disease is more common among women than in men. Weakness of the coronary muscles and nerve in the root cause of this. Very often during palpitation the hands get colds like ice.
  • Enlargement of Heart-  When the quantity of toxins increase in the body then more pressure is put on the heart and to save this situation the heart gets enlarged. There are other reasons also for the enlargement of heart blood pressure, weakness of heart valves blockage in the arteries of the heart, diabetes, alcohol, toxic substances, etcetera.
  • Pericarditis-  When the outer membrane of the heart gets inflamed then there is mild pain and the pulse gets faster. Sometimes there is fever also. Sometimes there is accumulation of fluid in the membrane which makes the heart appear swollen. In this state breathing becomes difficult.
  • Myocarditis-  The cardiac muscles get inflamed. Diabetes and pneumonia also causes this inflammation.
  • Endocarditis- This swelling is in the extreme interior of the heart.
  • Valvular Disease- Generally mitral valve get affected and is called mitral stenosis, if hole enlarges it is called incompetence or both the problems can occur together. Aortic valve also gets affected similarly.
  • Hypertrophy of the Heart Muscles- When the cardiac muscles has to work excessively then they become thick. High BP is the main cause.
  • Aneurysm- The walls of the arteries get weakened and balloon, sometimes it bursed. Then chances of survival are 20%.
  • Fatty Degeneration- Fatty patients have fat accumulation in the cardiac muscles also, like in the other parts. This leads to the distractions of the cells of cardiac muscle and in its place fat accumulates. Muscles with more fat becomes stiff. Consequently blood is not fully released. Along with this all the openings in the heart also become stiff which causes stenosis or ragurgitation. It leads to enlargement of heart.
  • Irregular Heart Beat- In this the heartbeat is not proper. Many causes of heart disease lead to this discoordination in the heart beat.
  • Tacky Cardiac- Sometimes there is attack of rapidity in the pulse rate which can continue from few hours to 8 days. During the attack the pulse rate is between 150 to 200 per minute.
  • Slow Heart Beat-  Normally the pulse rate is 60-100, but sometimes the pulse rate falls. Healthy slow heartbeats is an indication of good health. If the heartbeat is less than 50 then it can be dangerous.
  • Thrombosis- Blood arteries have calcium, fat and cholesterol layers accumulated in them. If it gets accumulated in the arteries  that carry blood to the bain then it could lead to paralysis. If the accumulation is in the arteries of the heart then it can lead to heart attack or angina.
  • Rheumartic Heart Disease-  This is the result of rheumatic fever which affects the heart valves and joints in the body simultaneously and damages the heart valves. It can happen at any age but mostly five to fifteen years of age. After fifty it does not occur.

Causes and Treatment of Heart Diseases

Yoga Poses in Heart Diseases