Important Rules Of Food

Important Rules Of Food

Food is an essential part of everyone’s lives. It gives us the energy and nutrients to grow and develop to be healthy and active, to move, work, play, think and learn. For the nourishment of body and fulfilling the deficiencies of the body therein, intake of food is essential. By improving the diet all diseases can be treated. That is why it is said that food is medicine. The person is said to be intelligent who take proper food for a healthy and long life and gives up whatever is harmful to his body. The kind of food we take will determine the state of our body and mind. By consuming seasonal fruits and vegetables our body remains free from diseases because nature has grown them keeping in view the requirement of that particular season and place.

Rules of food
  1. Eat only when you feel hungry.
  2. Eat only as much as would satisfy your hunger.
  3. Unless the first morsel is fully chewed do not take the second one.
  4. In one meal do not take too many food products. Take a few and food should be simple so as not to strain the digestive process.
  5. Eat quietly and peacefully.
  6. Dinner should be taken three hours before sleeping.
  7. There should be a gap of at least 5 hours between two meals.
  8. Should not eat immediately after walking up from sleep.
  9. Should not eat when stricken with worries, grieving, tired, or in hurry.
  10. While eating no need to discuss professional, social or domestic problems.
  11. Don’t eat when there is a burning sensation in your throat or bad odour.
  12. Indigestible and heavy foods should not be taken at all.
  13. As much as possible eat only uncooked food (fruits, salad, sprouted cereals)etc.
  14. Stale food causes diseases hence avoid it.
  15. Do not take water while eating. Water should be taken 30 minutes before and 40-60 minutes later after food.
  16. Drink sufficient amount of water during the day.
  17. Totally avoid White sugar, maida, polished rice, Processed products, etc.
  18. Reduce the use of salt, sweets, spices, and ghee.
  19. Save yourself from tea coffee, fried things, smoking, liquor and consumption of tobacco, etc.
  20. Once in a week live only on juices and a sufficient quantity of water.
  21. Fruits and vegetables should be washed before eating.
  22. Hands should be washed before and after eating the food and also mouth and teeth.
  23. Don’t watch television while eating.
  24. Milk should not be taken at night but can be taken in the morning with breakfast.
  25. Eating extremely hot and cold things are harmful for the digestive process.
  26. If after the first meal the body feels uncomfortable avoid the second meal.
  27. Curd is more easily digestible than milk.
  28. It is harmful to eat within 10 minutes after urinating.
  29. After walking in extreme heat while drinking water both the nostrils should be pressed closed with one hand.
  30. Maintain silence while eating.